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  • Augusta Educational Article of the Month - Facts About Armadillos

Facts About Armadillos

In this article we will discuss about what Augusta armadillos are so that we can get an idea of how they behave and act. This will also give us much knowledge on how to get rid of them later on.

The most generally known Georgia armadillo’s complete name is the “nine banded armadillo”. It’s appearance is that of a small mammal that weighs roughly around thirteen pounds and covered in a hard outer layer which we consider its armor. It’s name is derived from the fact that this armor is actually made out a bony plate that has nine different sections to it. These plates are called “scutes”. An Augusta armadillo generally shaped like an oblong and has a triangular shaped head with very close-set ears. It’s color is usually:
• Brown
• Gray
• Tan

General Biology
The Augusta armadillo is most active during the period between twilight and the early morning hours especially in the summertime. In winter, they are most likely to be active during the day. An armadillo prefers to dig about 7 to 8 inches in diameter and up to 15 feet in length. This is usually used for shelter and for raising their young. These burrows that they create can be located in:
• rock piles
• stumps
• brushes
• terraces
• around brush
• dense woodlands

The Georgia armadillo despite its poor eyesight, has a very powerful sense of smell. It is also a very good swimmer and is able to walk across the bottom of small streams.

Life Cycle
The average lifespan of an Augusta armadillo is between twelve to fifteen years in captivity but can exceed these numbers out in the wild.

Armadillos prefer the cover of dense, shady places such as brush, woodlands, forests and typically near creeks or rivers.

An Augusta armadillo’s diet consists of insects and other invertebrates and in order to find them in the soil, they use their sense of smell. They will also eat carrion and small amphibians if the need arises, however. Their very sticky tongues help these animals to collect colonies of insects and insect larvae (earthworms, scorpions, spiders, etc) in one give time which they find hiding in the dirt. They will also eat Gerogia snakes as well as eggs of frogs, lizards, skinks, and snakes just to name a few.

Unlike it’s smaller cousin, the three banded armadillo, the nine banded Augusta armadillo cannot curl into a bal completely. Instead, they leap into the air up three feet when ever they feel frightened or threatened. Another way to up its defense is by burrowing. When frightened, it will dig a hole and wedge itself in there. With this method, even the most persistent of predators will eventually give up and look for more easier food to catch.

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